Along with the marketing team at Mass General Hospital in Boston, I produced a bi-weekly interview podcast about women in healthcare called Charged. A few of my favorite episodes are linked here, and you can listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Along with the marketing team at Mass General Hospital in Boston, I produced a bi-weekly interview podcast about women in healthcare called Charged. A few of my favorite episodes are linked here, and you can listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Dr. Nasrien Ibrahim has experienced the important role that mentorship plays in a person's life and career. Her approach to mentorship is built on transparency and a belief in sharing her own challenges in order to help other young woman and men of color who are considering careers in medicine.
Physicians put in a tremendous amount of work into providing quality care for their patients, but sometimes the challenges that physicians face go unnoticed. Many physicians experience burnout, which leaves them feeling stress, exhaustion and less enjoyment in their work. More women than men report feelings of burnout.
Human activity is changing the planet at a rate "unprecedented in human history." For many of us, the massive scale of this problem makes finding solutions feel daunting-if not impossible. But for pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Tina Duhaime, it's not hard to explain our struggle with climate change when you consider how the human brain works.